如何以及在哪里购买Supreme Finance ( HYPE ) – 详细指南

什么是HYPE ?

Realized that DeFi and crypto struggle with problems as the other innovative technologies before them. Due largely to a steep learning curve in a technology that is constantly evolving, there is a high barrier-to-entry. UI and UX is still a big issue for new consumers in the path towards mass adoption of decentralized finance, blockchain technology, and other digital assets. Having to jump from one screen to the next between wallets, explorers, Dapps, exchanges, and much more to look up gas prices, monitor network transactions, cancel pending transactions, customize nonces, staking, borrowing, trading, farming, insurance, governance, and many other features that come with understanding the technology as a whole, has made it virtually impossible for the average individual to become an active participant.

Supreme Finance is simply an adoption-focused DeFi protocol on which we intend to create a fully-integrated user-friendly platform/service, to connect as many crypto-muggles with the many decentralized financial products and services already on the market.

Our goal is to make DeFi simple and easier to use to create a better user experience for those who are intimidated by the learning-curve, therefore lowering the barrier-to-entry. We’ll do this by focusing not only on innovating and creating a product no one has ever created before on the bleeding edge, but also by working towards mass adoption of just the bleeding-edge that already exists and making that experience as seamless as possible for the user.

Over the past years, the DeFi space has continuously grown due to the increased number of new applications, primitives, and protocols. The structure is underway towards commercialized future financial systems as we speak and is beginning to take on a surge of interest from the crypto and non-crypto community. DeFi volume has increased from zero to over $20 billion in total locked value (TVL) in the past year alone. Many DeFi projects require users to lock up an asset (collateral) in order to take out a loan, create liquidity in a market, or mint a new asset. These assets locked as collateral have created a measure for valuing these applications, called total locked value (TVL). With this in mind, we've seen DeFi Dominance (vs. Global) reach 1.4% in total – showing that many crypto investors are taking advantage of these newly accessible financial products.

Over the past years, the DeFi space has continuously grown due to the increased number of new applications, primitives, and protocols. The structure is underway towards commercialized future financial systems as we speak and is beginning to take on a surge of interest from the crypto and non-crypto community. DeFi volume has increased from zero to over $20 billion in total locked value (TVL) in the past year alone. Many DeFi projects require users to lock up an asset (collateral) in order to take out a loan, create liquidity in a market, or mint a new asset. These assets locked as collateral have created a measure for valuing these applications, called total locked value (TVL). With this in mind, we've seen DeFi Dominance (vs. Global) reach 1.4% in total – showing that many crypto investors are taking advantage of these newly accessible financial products.

DeFi in existence can be categorized into 4 different protocols that dominate the market; Decentralized Exchanges(DEX), Lend and Borrow, Asset Management, Derivatives. The platforms mentioned below all have experienced wild fluctuations both in terms of liquidity and price action of their digital tokens. Moreover, Uniswap’s sector growth of nearly 6,000% increase in total value locked also means a 6,000% increase in liquidity and providing pool in the protocol. DeFi applications rely on both Uniswap (to provide liquidity to abstract any unnecessary friction for users when interacting with their intermediaries and applications.

DeFi allows users to remove banking and financial intermediaries and process lending and borrowing directly from platforms. With over $20 billion currently in 2021 locked as Coingecko Defi writing says, lending accounts for almost 70% of TVL in DeFi. Lending platforms such as Maker headlined the early DeFi as one of the dominant platforms for nearly 50% of the value locked with this sector in 2019. <br> PROBLEM WERE SPECIFIED: <br>

  1. Lack of information/poor support<br>
  2. Technological ineptitude<br>
  3. Bad UX/UI<br>
  4. Liquidity<br>
  5. Scalability<br> <br>

SOLUTION WERE SPECIFIED: <br> APPLICATION<br> One of the frustrating experiences for users on the web and mobile is waiting for loading of contents and pages especially for crypto platforms that require lots of hyperlink and API links. Optimizing the content speed and not making the users bounce can increase the usersustainability by more than 20% according to section.io. The segment keys or headlinks will enable the users to quickly get all the information they want: benefits, solutions, and key features to information, product and services in a short time. This will make a proposition to attracting users to get all the information they need.<br> AWARENESS<br> As of 2020, there are hundreds of exchanges, platforms and financial services available on the crypto market. However, the marketing and open-source to the services are very limited and in boundary. Users should be able to easily approach and discover the number of availability and classify without having to search for reliable sources of information.<br> COMMUNITY<br> Although social media such as Twitter and YouTube covers most of crypto communities in the world, it is still bound for users to interact with active users on the crypto-platform. By creating dashboards, blogs, and live chat rooms on the platform for users to actively communicate and share information, the scale of which the platform will trend and grow will only be a matter of time in becoming the center of the crypto community.<br> EXCHANGE<br> Each and every centralized exchange, DEX, and DeFi play a role of bringing tokens together for performance and productivity. Based upon the tokens and fiat that are available and can be converted on the platform outline the entire volume of scalability, liquidity and number of users. Therefore, it is essential to validate the possible cryptos as much on the platform and take over the highcompetitive market.<br> TRANSPARENCY<br> All the transactions will be visible as of applying Blockchain and view all information on the network through on-chain sources like etherscan or even on the platform if necessary.<br> LIQUIDITY POOL<br> Liquidity is one of the foundational systems behind the current DeFi ecosystem. It is part of trading, borrow-lend protocols, synthetic assets, and many more. Users can participate in the liquidity pool, and add equal values to two tokens in a pool to create a secondary market. In exchange for providing their funds, liquidity providers(LP) earn trading fees from the trades that occur in the pool, proportional to their share of total liquidity. Liquidity pools maintain constant liquidity while reducing unprecedented price swing as well - lower gas fees, easy to participate and provide liquidity using automated smart contracts, and LPs can earn passive income.<br> P2P SUPPORT<br> P2P support is much like P2P services that directly connects parties to a transaction without third-party intermediary, but it is more of providing and overcoming the pressure, information risk-cost, and asymmetries to new users that have to face. Experts and experienced users in the cryptomarket can provide solutions, guidelines, and information based on trades, tokens or whatsoever on the platform for incentivisation or benefits. Users are able to earn incentives through providing guidance and information to new comers. Of course, the users must earn their trustworthy identity and performance through the platform with authentication.<br>

Hence, The Supreme Project has delivered HYPE as its first token. The token was named HYPE, to describe the way in which it would stimulate or maximize user returns.

HYPE is a synthetic commodity currency that does not rely on the current world-based currency as a target price or value. Instead, HYPE is not centrally controlled and will be priced only by the needs of the customer.

HYPE is a flexible supply digital asset that expands/contracts in response to price/demand in the market and tracks evolution lines from protocols such as YAM, SUSHI, etc. These types of assets belong to the Synthetic Community Money family.

HYPE is an experimental, independent, self-sufficient, decentralized currency that is fully dependent on participants, built with the aim of further discovering and determining its value and use cases, expanding and developing them.

HYPE最初是在29th Dec, 2020交易的。它的总供应量为5,000,000,000 .截至目前, HYPE的市值为$28,207,553.49美元。HYPE的当前价格为$0.00564,在Coinmarketcap上1152并且在撰写本文时,最近已飙升了76.27

HYPE已在许多加密货币交易所上市,与其他主要加密货币不同,它不能直接用法定货币购买。但是,您仍然可以通过首先USDT硬币,然后转移到提供该硬币交易的交易所来轻松购买此硬币,在本指南文章中,我们将详细介绍购买HYPE .


您必须首先购买一种主要的加密货币,在本例中为USDT ( USDT )。在本文中,我们将详细介绍两个最常用的法币到加密货币交易所,Uphold.com 和 Coinbase。两个交易所都有自己的费用政策和其他功能,我们将详细介绍。建议您同时尝试这两种方法,然后找出最适合您的一种。



选择 Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange 了解详情:


作为最受欢迎和最方便的法币到加密货币交易所之一,UpHold 具有以下优势:

  • 多种资产之间易于购买和交易,超过50种并且还在增加
  • 目前全球超过 700 万用户
  • 您可以申请 UpHold 借记卡,您可以像普通借记卡一样在您的帐户上使用加密资产! (仅限美国,但稍后会在英国)
  • 易于使用的移动应用程序,您可以轻松地将资金提取到银行或任何其他山寨币交易所
  • 没有隐藏费用和任何其他帐户费用
  • 高级用户的买/卖订单有限
  • 如果您打算长期持有加密货币,您可以轻松地为美元成本平均 (DCA) 设置定期存款
  • USDT,它是最受欢迎的美元支持的稳定币之一(基本上是一种由真正的法定货币支持的加密货币,因此它们的波动性较小,几乎可以被视为与其挂钩的法定货币)可用,如果您打算购买的山寨币在山寨币交易所只有 USDT 交易对,因此您在购买山寨币时无需进行其他货币转换。

输入您的电子邮件,然后单击“下一步”。确保您提供您的真实姓名,因为 UpHold 将需要它来进行帐户和身份验证。选择一个强密码,这样您的帐户就不容易受到黑客的攻击。


您将收到一封确认电子邮件。打开它并单击其中的链接。然后,您将需要提供有效的手机号码来设置双因素身份验证 (2FA),它是您帐户安全的额外保障,强烈建议您保持启用此功能。


按照下一步完成您的身份验证。这些步骤有点令人生畏,尤其是当您正在等待购买资产时,但就像任何其他金融机构一样,UpHold 在美国、英国和欧盟等大多数国家/地区受到监管。您可以将此作为使用受信任平台进行首次加密货币购买的权衡。好消息是,整个所谓的“了解你的客户”(KYC)过程现在是完全自动化的,完成的时间不会超过 15 分钟。

第 2 步:用法定货币USDT


完成 KYC 流程后。系统会要求您添加付款方式。在这里,您可以选择提供信用卡/借记卡或使用银行转帐。根据您的信用卡公司和使用卡时波动的价格,您可能会被收取更高的费用,但您也会立即购买。虽然银行转账会更便宜但速度更慢,但取决于您居住的国家/地区,一些国家/地区会提供低费用的即时现金存款。


现在您已准备就绪,在“发件人”字段下的“交易”屏幕上,选择您的法定货币,然后在“收件人”字段上选择USDT ,单击预览查看您的交易,然后单击确认一切是否正常。 .. 恭喜!您刚刚购买了第一笔加密货币。

第 3 步:将USDT转移到山寨币交易所



Market Pair


Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

如果您打算在相当长的时间内保持(如某些人所说的“ hodl”,基本上会随着时间的流逝而误称“保持”)您的HYPE ,尽管Binance是其中之一,但您可能想探索确保其安全的方法。最安全的加密货币交易所发生了黑客攻击事件,资金损失了。由于交易所中钱包的性质,它们将始终处于在线状态(我们称之为“热钱包”),因此暴露了某些漏洞。迄今为止,存储硬币的最安全方法是始终将其放入一种“冷钱包”中,在这种情况下,当您发出资金时,钱包只能访问区块链(或只是“上线”),从而减少了骇客事件。纸钱包是一种免费的冷钱包,基本上是离线生成的一对公共和私人地址,您可以将其写在某个地方,并确保安全。但是,它不耐用并且容易受到各种危害。

这里的硬件钱包绝对是冷钱包的更好选择。它们通常是支持USB的设备,可以更持久地存储您钱包的密钥信息。它们具有军事级别的安全性,其固件由制造商不断维护,因此非常安全。 Ledger Nano S和Ledger Nano X是这一类别中最受欢迎的选择,这些钱包的价格大约为50到100美元,这取决于它们提供的功能。如果您持有资产,这些钱包在我们看来是不错的投资。



没有直接的方法可以用现金HYPE但是,您可以使用诸如 LocalBitcoins 之类的市场首先购买USDT ,然后通过将您的USDT转移到相应的 AltCoin 交易所来完成其余步骤。

LocalBitcoins是点对点的比特币交易所。这是一个用户可以在彼此之间买卖比特币的市场。用户称为交易者,以他们想要提供的价格和付款方式来制作广告。您可以选择从平台上某个特定区域的卖家那里购买。 毕竟是在其他地方找不到理想的付款方式时可以购买比特币的好地方。但是,在该平台上,价格通常会更高,因此您必须进行尽职调查,以免被骗。


是的,事实上,欧洲是最容易购买加密货币的地方之一。甚至还有网上银行,您可以简单地开立账户并将资金转账到 CoinbaseUphold 等交易所。


是的。 还是一个非常易于使用的平台,用于通过信用卡购买比特币。这是一种即时加密货币交换,可让您快速交换加密货币并用银行卡购买。它的用户界面非常易于使用,购买步骤很容易解释。

在这里阅读更多关于Supreme Finance的基本面和当前价格。


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HYPE's #metaverse allows you to explore a virtual world that's limited only by your imagination. https://t.co/nnbXJ8g2hi
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DEX offers a more secure way to #trade, as you remain in control of your own private keys. https://t.co/hZBqyOOq5Q