如何以及在哪里购买Stratis ( STRAX ) – 详细指南

什么是STRAX ?

What Is Stratis (STRAX)?

Stratis is a blockchain-as-a-service platform that offers several products and services for enterprises, including launching private sidechains, running full nodes, developing and deploying smart contracts, an initial coin offering platform, and a proof-of-identity application. The company also provides cryptocurrency wallets and blockchain consulting services.

Stratis operates its own blockchain powered by a native token, STRAX, used to purchase and operate services such as executing smart contracts, paying for sidechains, and staking as collateral to operate a Masternode --- a node on the network that provides a specific needed service.

The platform was first announced in June 2016, and it launched in August 2016. In November 2020, Stratis deployed a new blockchain that uses STRAX instead of its previous STRAT token.

Who Are the Founders of Stratis?

Stratis Group Ltd., the company behind the Stratis platform, was founded in 2016 by Chris Trew. He started the company with the purpose of developing an enterprise-focused blockchain platform, which he felt was missing from the industry at the time. He decided to base the platform on the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol, believing that Bitcoin would become dominant in the crypto space --- meaning that its codebase would be consistently improved over time.

Before starting Stratis, Trew's background was in enterprise information technology. He taught himself the programming language C# and spent 10 years serving in various IT roles in the legal, aviation and public sectors as well as with financial institutions such as Barclays. He also operated an internet marketing and search engine optimization business.

Within the crypto and blockchain industry, Trew was a volunteer developer for the cryptocurrency project Blitz and social networking platform The Viral Exchange.

What Makes Stratis Unique?

According to its whitepaper, the Stratis BaaS platform is designed for financial service providers and other enterprises to test, develop and deploy blockchain-based applications in a way that avoids the overhead and security concerns of operating their own networks. To do so, Stratis offers businesses the opportunity to run permissioned, private sidechains that interact with its primary chain, as well as to host decentralized applications, launch smart contracts and utilize various privacy and identity verification tools. Its whitepaper argues that this approach gives enterprises the freedom to completely customize their platforms without the limitations of relying on a major blockchain, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum (ETH).

Stratis has announced business partnerships with companies such as software giant Microsoft, technology markets intelligence firm International Data Corporation, and pharmaceutical blockchain development company MediConnect, among others. In addition, it has sponsored professional athletes as a way to raise awareness of the platform.

With the launch of its new STRAX-based blockchain in November 2020, Stratis unveiled an updated development roadmap for the end of 2020 and the first half of 2021. It includes interoperability with Ethereum, an Internet of Things software development kit, a decentralized finance software library, the launch of a decentralized autonomous organization, and more.

Related Pages:

Learn about Dragonchain, a BaaS platform for enterprises and startups.

Learn about Ardor, another BaaS platform with a proof-of-stake consensus.

New to blockchain technology? Explore the fundamentals with Alexandria, CoinMarketCap's online educational resource.

Stay up to date on the latest in enterprise blockchain adoption with the CoinMarketCap Blog.

How Many Stratis (STRAX) Coins Are There in Circulation?

Stratis launched its first STRAT token with a total supply of 98 million, with 84 million STRAT (85.7%) sold during an initial coin offering that ended in July 2016 and raised 915 BTC --- worth nearly $600,000 at the time. Of the remaining supply, 8 million STRAT (8.2%) was reserved for the Stratis team, 2 million STRAT (2%) for advisors and partners, and 4 million STRAT (4.1%) for bounties and campaigns.

In October 2020, Stratis initiated a token swap process for STRAT holders to exchange their tokens for STRAX at a one-to-one ratio. As a part of the transition, 25 million STRAX was newly minted, of which 8.125 million STRAX was reserved for the Stratis Foundation, 6.375 million STRAX for network incentivization, 5.5 million STRAX for enterprise incentivization, and 5 million for the Stratis DAO. The tokens will be issued over the course of five years.

New STRAX is introduced through a proof-of-stake mining process, and each block produces a block reward of 18 STRAX, putting its annual inflation rate at around 10%. Half of the block reward is awarded to the block producer, while the other half is sent to its Cirrus sidechain and distributed to block-producing masternodes.

How Is the Stratis Network Secured?

The Stratis network is secured through its PoS consensus protocol in which nodes must stake STRAX to participate in the block validation process, and the more STRAX staked, the greater the chance of being able to create a block. According to Stratis, this makes the network more secure because the more STRAX a user stakes, the less likely they are to want to manipulate the network, as they risk losing their stake or causing the value of their stake to plummet. A majority of nodes must agree that a transaction is accurate for it to be added to the blockchain.

With the launch of its STRAX-based blockchain in November 2020, Stratis announced new security-enhancing features, including the ability to "cold-stake" --- stake STRAX through an offline, cold wallet --- which it argued will increase network security by enabling more users to participate in the consensus process. It also reported that it would activate Segregated Witness, or SegWit, which will increase transaction security because transaction IDs are no longer malleable.

While Stratis is a private company, its blockchain's codebase is open source, meaning that it is available for community audit.

Where Can You Buy Stratis (STRAX)?

STRAX can be purchased on exchanges such as Binance, Upbit and Bithumb. It can be traded on spot markets against fiat currencies such as the U.S. dollar and the euro, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether, and stablecoins such as Tether (USDT) and Binance USD (BUSD).

Are you interested in buying STRAX or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin? CoinMarketCap has a simple, step-by-step guide to teach you all about crypto and how to buy your first coins.

STRAX最初是在12th Aug, 2016交易的。它的总供应量为156,942,128.45,138,285 .截至目前, STRAX的市值为$212,200,989.87美元。STRAX的当前价格为$1.35,在Coinmarketcap上196并且在撰写本文时,最近已飙升了24.54

STRAX已在许多加密货币交易所上市,与其他主要加密货币不同,它不能直接用法定货币购买。但是,您仍然可以通过首先比特币硬币,然后转移到提供该硬币交易的交易所来轻松购买此硬币,在本指南文章中,我们将详细介绍购买STRAX .


您必须首先购买一种主要的加密货币,在本例中为比特币 ( BTC )。在本文中,我们将详细介绍两个最常用的法币到加密货币交易所,Uphold.com 和 Coinbase。两个交易所都有自己的费用政策和其他功能,我们将详细介绍。建议您同时尝试这两种方法,然后找出最适合您的一种。



选择 Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange 了解详情:


作为最受欢迎和最方便的法币到加密货币交易所之一,UpHold 具有以下优势:

  • 多种资产之间易于购买和交易,超过50种并且还在增加
  • 目前全球超过 700 万用户
  • 您可以申请 UpHold 借记卡,您可以像普通借记卡一样在您的帐户上使用加密资产! (仅限美国,但稍后会在英国)
  • 易于使用的移动应用程序,您可以轻松地将资金提取到银行或任何其他山寨币交易所
  • 没有隐藏费用和任何其他帐户费用
  • 高级用户的买/卖订单有限
  • 如果您打算长期持有加密货币,您可以轻松地为美元成本平均 (DCA) 设置定期存款
  • USDT,它是最受欢迎的美元支持的稳定币之一(基本上是一种由真正的法定货币支持的加密货币,因此它们的波动性较小,几乎可以被视为与其挂钩的法定货币)可用,如果您打算购买的山寨币在山寨币交易所只有 USDT 交易对,因此您在购买山寨币时无需进行其他货币转换。

输入您的电子邮件,然后单击“下一步”。确保您提供您的真实姓名,因为 UpHold 将需要它来进行帐户和身份验证。选择一个强密码,这样您的帐户就不容易受到黑客的攻击。


您将收到一封确认电子邮件。打开它并单击其中的链接。然后,您将需要提供有效的手机号码来设置双因素身份验证 (2FA),它是您帐户安全的额外保障,强烈建议您保持启用此功能。


按照下一步完成您的身份验证。这些步骤有点令人生畏,尤其是当您正在等待购买资产时,但就像任何其他金融机构一样,UpHold 在美国、英国和欧盟等大多数国家/地区受到监管。您可以将此作为使用受信任平台进行首次加密货币购买的权衡。好消息是,整个所谓的“了解你的客户”(KYC)过程现在是完全自动化的,完成的时间不会超过 15 分钟。

第 2 步:用法定货币BTC


完成 KYC 流程后。系统会要求您添加付款方式。在这里,您可以选择提供信用卡/借记卡或使用银行转帐。根据您的信用卡公司和使用卡时波动的价格,您可能会被收取更高的费用,但您也会立即购买。虽然银行转账会更便宜但速度更慢,但取决于您居住的国家/地区,一些国家/地区会提供低费用的即时现金存款。


现在您已准备就绪,在“发件人”字段下的“交易”屏幕上,选择您的法定货币,然后在“收件人”字段上选择比特币 ,单击预览查看您的交易,然后单击确认一切是否正常。 .. 恭喜!您刚刚购买了第一笔加密货币。

第 3 步:将BTC转移到山寨币交易所



但是我们还没有完成,因为STRAX是一个山寨币,我们需要将我们的BTC转移到一个STRAX交易所,这里我们将使用Gate.io作为我们的交易所。 Gate.io是交易山寨币的流行交易所,它拥有大量可交易的山寨币对。使用下面的链接注册您的新帐户。

Gate.io是于2017年成立的美国加密货币交易所。由于该交易所是美国交易所,因此美国投资者当然可以在这里进行交易,我们建议美国交易者在该交易所进行注册。该交易所提供中英文两种语言(后者对中国投资者非常有帮助)。 Gate.io的主要销售因素是他们对多种交易对的选择。您可以在此处找到大多数新的山寨币。 Gate.io还展示了令人印象深刻的交易量。它几乎每天都是交易量最高的前20个交易所之一。交易量约。每天1亿美元。就交易量而言,Gate.io上排名前10的交易对通常将USDT(Tether)作为交易对的一部分。因此,综上所述,Gate.io大量的交易对及其非凡的流动性都是该交易所令人印象深刻的方面。


UpHold所做的类似过程后,我们建议您也设置 2FA 身份验证,完成它,因为它为您的帐户增加了额外的安全性。





如果这是您第一次进行加密存款,这里的屏幕可能看起来有点吓人。不过别担心,它基本上比银行转账更简单。在右侧的框中,您会看到一串随机数字,上面写着“ BTC地址”,这是您BTC钱包在Gate.io的唯一公共地址,您可以通过将此地址提供给向您发送资金的人来BTC .由于我们现在将之前购买的BTC on UpHold转移到此钱包,请单击“复制地址”或右键单击完整地址,然后单击“复制”以将此地址复制到剪贴板。

现在返回 UpHold,转到交易屏幕并单击BTC ,选择您要发送的金额,然后在“收件人”字段中选择BTC ,然后单击“预览取款” .


查看后,点击“确认”继续,您应该会立即收到一封确认邮件,点击邮件中的确认链接,您的硬币正在Gate.io !


现在回到Gate.io并前往您的交换钱包,如果您在这里没有看到您的存款,请不要担心。它可能仍在区块链网络中进行验证,您的硬币应该需要几分钟才能到达。 比特币网络的网络流量状况,在繁忙时段可能需要更长的时间。

一旦您的BTC到达,您应该会收到来自Gate.io您现在终于可以购买STRAX !



返回Gate.io ,然后转到“ Exchange”。繁荣!多棒的风景!不断轻弹的数字可能有点吓人,但请放松一下,让我们着手解决这个问题。


在右栏中有一个搜索栏,现在确保BTC ”,因为我们正在交易BTC到山寨币对。单击它并输入“ STRAX ”,您应该会看到STRAX / BTC ,选择该货币对,您应该会在页面中间STRAX / BTC

下面有一个带有绿色按钮的框,上面写着“Buy STRAX ”,在框内,选择“市场”选项卡,因为这是最直接的买单类型。您可以输入您的金额,也可以通过点击百分比按钮BTC确认一切后,单击“购买STRAX ”。瞧!你终于买了STRAX !


但是我们还没有完成,因为STRAX是一个山寨币,我们需要将我们的BTC转移到一个STRAX交易所,这里我们将使用Binance作为我们的交易所。 Binance是交易山寨币的流行交易所,它拥有大量可交易的山寨币对。使用下面的链接注册您的新帐户。

币安(Binance)是一种流行的加密货币交易所,始于中国,但随后将其总部迁至欧盟对加密货币友好的马耳他岛(Island of Malta)。 Binance因其加密货币到加密货币交换服务而受欢迎。 Binance在2017年的狂潮中爆发,并自此成为世界上顶级的加密货币交易所。不幸的是,币安不允许美国投资者投资,因此我们建议您注册我们在此页面上推荐的其他交易所。


UpHold所做的类似过程后,我们建议您也设置 2FA 身份验证,完成它,因为它为您的帐户增加了额外的安全性。





如果这是您第一次进行加密存款,这里的屏幕可能看起来有点吓人。不过别担心,它基本上比银行转账更简单。在右侧的框中,您会看到一串随机数字,上面写着“ BTC地址”,这是您BTC钱包在Binance的唯一公共地址,您可以通过将此地址提供给向您发送资金的人来BTC .由于我们现在将之前购买的BTC on UpHold转移到此钱包,请单击“复制地址”或右键单击完整地址,然后单击“复制”以将此地址复制到剪贴板。

现在返回 UpHold,转到交易屏幕并单击BTC ,选择您要发送的金额,然后在“收件人”字段中选择BTC ,然后单击“预览取款” .


查看后,点击“确认”继续,您应该会立即收到一封确认邮件,点击邮件中的确认链接,您的硬币正在Binance !


现在回到Binance并前往您的交换钱包,如果您在这里没有看到您的存款,请不要担心。它可能仍在区块链网络中进行验证,您的硬币应该需要几分钟才能到达。 比特币网络的网络流量状况,在繁忙时段可能需要更长的时间。

一旦您的BTC到达,您应该会收到来自Binance您现在终于可以购买STRAX !



返回Binance ,然后转到“ Exchange”。繁荣!多棒的风景!不断轻弹的数字可能有点吓人,但请放松一下,让我们着手解决这个问题。


在右栏中有一个搜索栏,现在确保BTC ”,因为我们正在交易BTC到山寨币对。单击它并输入“ STRAX ”,您应该会看到STRAX / BTC ,选择该货币对,您应该会在页面中间STRAX / BTC

下面有一个带有绿色按钮的框,上面写着“Buy STRAX ”,在框内,选择“市场”选项卡,因为这是最直接的买单类型。您可以输入您的金额,也可以通过点击百分比按钮BTC确认一切后,单击“购买STRAX ”。瞧!你终于买了STRAX !


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如果您打算在相当长的时间内保持(如某些人所说的“ hodl”,基本上会随着时间的流逝而误称“保持”)您的STRAX ,尽管Binance是其中之一,但您可能想探索确保其安全的方法。最安全的加密货币交易所发生了黑客攻击事件,资金损失了。由于交易所中钱包的性质,它们将始终处于在线状态(我们称之为“热钱包”),因此暴露了某些漏洞。迄今为止,存储硬币的最安全方法是始终将其放入一种“冷钱包”中,在这种情况下,当您发出资金时,钱包只能访问区块链(或只是“上线”),从而减少了骇客事件。纸钱包是一种免费的冷钱包,基本上是离线生成的一对公共和私人地址,您可以将其写在某个地方,并确保安全。但是,它不耐用并且容易受到各种危害。

这里的硬件钱包绝对是冷钱包的更好选择。它们通常是支持USB的设备,可以更持久地存储您钱包的密钥信息。它们具有军事级别的安全性,其固件由制造商不断维护,因此非常安全。 Ledger Nano S和Ledger Nano X是这一类别中最受欢迎的选择,这些钱包的价格大约为50到100美元,这取决于它们提供的功能。如果您持有资产,这些钱包在我们看来是不错的投资。



没有直接的方法可以用现金STRAX但是,您可以使用诸如 LocalBitcoins 之类的市场首先购买BTC ,然后通过将您的BTC转移到相应的 AltCoin 交易所来完成其余步骤。

LocalBitcoins是点对点的比特币交易所。这是一个用户可以在彼此之间买卖比特币的市场。用户称为交易者,以他们想要提供的价格和付款方式来制作广告。您可以选择从平台上某个特定区域的卖家那里购买。 毕竟是在其他地方找不到理想的付款方式时可以购买比特币的好地方。但是,在该平台上,价格通常会更高,因此您必须进行尽职调查,以免被骗。


是的,事实上,欧洲是最容易购买加密货币的地方之一。甚至还有网上银行,您可以简单地开立账户并将资金转账到 CoinbaseUphold 等交易所。


是的。 还是一个非常易于使用的平台,用于通过信用卡购买比特币。这是一种即时加密货币交换,可让您快速交换加密货币并用银行卡购买。它的用户界面非常易于使用,购买步骤很容易解释。
